Monday, October 31, 2011

Classroom Observations and Instructional Walkthroughs

What does an athlete, a student, a teacher, an administrator, and just about any other category of worker have in common? They all rely on feedback to improve their practice! 

While the administrative team will continue to conduct informal and formal observations, a larger team, including teachers and staff, will conduct classroom walkthroughs.  What is the difference?  They are all designed to give feedback, but the walkthrough, conducted by a larger group, is designed to provide feedback about the school's overall instructional practices, not an individual teacher.  On November 15th, our first round of classroom walkthroughs will be conducted.  Here is a link to the form that will be used to collect data:
Janet Dauenhauer gives "feedback" on volleyball serve techniques in her PE class.

Please remember that observations are not about "gotcha" moments.  The sole purpose is to provide feedback for improvement, not judgment.  Think of it this way: You're too good not to be great!

New Principal Woes...

Every time I think I have it all figured out, I run into Keri, Meredith, Minna, or Kelli and realize I've got some work to do!!! I thought it might be fun to share this struggle with you and offer a challenge....

Kelli Torkelson, 6th Grade, Science

Mina Wallace, 7th Grade, Language Arts

Meredith Tongue, 7th Grade, Social Studies
Reach out to one of them AND one other person you don't know...introduce yourself, share something about yourself, learn something about that person, and post it here!  No cheating!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sharpen the Saw - Teacher Workday

Monday, October 17th is our first and only workday this semester. With such limited time to work, plan, and collaborate, it's incredibly important for us to use this time wisely and seek ways to get the most "bang for our buck," meaning when we come together, although this is "work," it doesn't have to feel like it.  I hope you have this experience on Monday. After we come together briefly in the morning, I hope you will take advantage of the opportunities for you to take of yourself physically (free massage and allergy testing, teeth whitening) as well as connect with your colleagues.  Consider the following from Steven Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:

Sharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have--you. It means having a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas of your life: physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual. Here are some examples of activities:
Physical:Beneficial eating, exercising, and resting
Social/Emotional:Making social and meaningful connections with others
Mental:Learning, reading, writing, and teaching
Spiritual:Spending time in nature, expanding spiritual self through meditation, music, art, prayer, or service
As you renew yourself in each of the four areas, you create growth and change in your life. Sharpen the Saw keeps you fresh so you can continue to practice the other six habits. You increase your capacity to produce and handle the challenges around you. Without this renewal, the body becomes weak, the mind mechanical, the emotions raw, the spirit insensitive, and the person selfish. Not a pretty picture, is it?

Consider writing a "Thank-You" to our PTA volunteers for donating the delicious treats! 
What a spread!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Rachel's Challenge - Sharing the Love

 Eliminate Prejudice
Look for the Best in Others

Forgive Yourself and Others

Start a Chain Reaction

Choose Positive Influences

Use Words to Heal, Not Hurt

Will you accept the challenge?    

We will not be the same...

Don't lose the momentum! So many of us have been inspired, and our acceptance of the challenge means we're committing to "Dreaming Big!"  If you have an idea for a project, even a simple desire to show appreciation, share it and do it! Encourage the students to dream big as well - the sky is the limit.  Let's commit to making a difference in ourselves, our school, and our community.

"I have this theory that if one can go out of their way to show compassion, it will start a chain reaction of the same."
-Rachel Joy Scott

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Welcome to Hopewell!

Faculty and Staff,

You have probably noticed a few new faces around the building! I'd like to officially welcome our new PT French Teacher, Abigail Edwards, and our new PE Teacher, Jason Clements.  We also have a new paraprofessional in Special Education, Jermaine Fitzpatrick (picture and bio to come...).  If you haven't already done so, please be sure to give them a warm Mustang welcome!

Jason Clements, in his own words...

"I have a BS in ED from Georgia Southern University.  This is my sixteenth year teaching…eleven of those have been in Fulton…two of those years have been in middle and the rest have been in elementary.  I have three beautiful little girls…Riley (7), Zoe (5) and Presley (5)…yes twins J  I enjoy bodybuilding, spending time with my girls, and hanging out with friends."