#1 - Ensuring that students learn
As a professional learning community, the team considers:
#2 - A culture of collaboration
The powerful collaboration that characterizes professional learning communities is a systematic process in which teachers work together to analyze and improve their classroom practice. Teachers work in teams, engaging in an ongoing cycle of questions that promote deep team learning. This process, in turn, leads to higher levels of student achievement.
#3 - A focus on results
PLCs judge their effectiveness based on results. Every teacher team participates in an ongoing process of identifying the current level of student achievement, establishing a goal to improve the current level, working together to achieve that goal, and providing periodic evidence of progress.
Working collaboratively provides the opportunity for us to share ideas and learn from each other.
*Dufour, Richard,
Educational Leadership
May 2004 | Volume 61 | Number 8
Schools as Learning Communities Pages 6-11
What Is a "Professional Learning Community"?
Schools as Learning Communities Pages 6-11
What Is a "Professional Learning Community"?