It's a new school year, and things are probably feeling pretty different. The bus is in motion! There are many changes to adjust to, and it will definitely take some time before we feel like we're in a routine. Change is not easy for anyone! Ultimately, however, if we focus on the intended outcomes of the change, we can to terms with change and look forward seeing to the fruits of our labor. If you've being a "negative Nelly" lately, ask yourself, "Am I part of the solution or part of the problem? Have I allowed myself to be on board and just TRY?" My challenge for all of us, is to corral the negative energy and focus on finding the positive. We're all in this together, and if you need something, just ask!
I came across these tips below for adjusting to change, and number 1 has been helpful for me especially...
1. Identify supportive
people in your life.
2. Recall past coping skills.
3. Maintain some normalcy.
4. Don't stifle your emotions.
5. Embrace the
Congratulations to our newest Master Teachers, Tina D'Aversa, Sherri Morales, and
Deb Lajewski (not pictured). They join Robin Berlin and Mark Poole in achieving this high honor. Way to go Mustangs!!! We're proud of you!!! |